Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone

I believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the one and only killer of John F. Kennedy.
There is no proof, or really anything close to proof that would prove that there was another killer or killers.
Oswald did fire from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository and that is a fact.
He left that building on his own.
He got a ride on his own.
When he was caught, he was alone.
He was the only member of his Fair Play For Cuba Committee.
He had very few friends and was mad at the world.
Oswald liked Communism, as he felt that it gave people like him an equal place with all others.
Of course, he wanted more than that, but Cuba, Russia, and other matters of his interest would at least give him a better chance in life.
He grew bitter because Russia did not work out, and America scoffed at him because of his beliefs.
He liked Castro, but that went awry too.
He lived in a dream world, but his fantasy blew up and he wound up killing President Kennedy.
It is funny (I do not mean funny, ha ha) that all the pictures of a second shooter behind the Grassy Knoll are all fuzzy, and kind of look like someone may be there, or they could be leaves, branches, trees and other things.
The imagination of people can really run wild.
YET … some people still try to link these pictures to something or someone.
It is kind of like those pictures of Elvis being alive, but you could only see Elvis from his back, or side.
I kind of think that if the photographer were to take his picture from the front, then we would know that it was not Elvis.
My point of the Elvis pictures is, that there is nothing really there that will say … YES, THIS IS PROOF!
The FBI, CIA, Castro, Russia, and others, were just not in on the assassination.
You would have to involve way too many people, and someone would have talked by now.
Thank you.
I am,

George Vreeland Hill